Last updated: 4th April 2024

REGULATIONS: Introduction


All civil aviation activities in undivided India were regulated by the Aircraft Rules, Of 1920. Subsequently, the Aircraft Rules, 1920 was superseded on 23rd March 1937 by the Aircraft Rules, 1937. On 19th July 1960 the then President of Pakistan issued the Civil Aviation Ordinance, 1960 abrogating the Aircraft Act, 1934. This Ordinance along with the Aircraft Rules, 1937 had been the legal regulatory framework for all civil aviation activities in Bangladesh until 23rd August 1984 when the Civil Aviation Rules, 1984 was promulgated by the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Therefore, the present legal regulatory framework for civil aviation activities in Bangladesh is the Civil Aviation Rules, 1984, and the Air Navigation Orders issued by the Chairman under this rule.


Civil Aviation Ordinance, 1960

The Civil Aviation Ordinance, 1960 (XXXII of 1960) was made to make better provisions for the control of manufacture, possessions, use, operation, sale, import, and export of aircraft, the control and regulation of air transport services, and the control and development of aerodromes in the country. It repealed the Aircraft Act, 1934 (XXII of 1934).


Aircraft (Removal of Danger to Safety) Ordinance, 1965

The Aircraft (Removal of Danger to Safety) Ordinance, 1965 (XII of 1965) was promulgated by the Government in the year 1965. It deals with flight safety.


Civil Aviation Rules, 1984

The Civil Aviation Rules, 1984 was made and promulgated by the Government in the exercise of the powers conferred by sections 4, 5, 7, and 8 of the Civil Aviation Ordinance, 1960 (XXXII of 1960), section 10 of the Aircraft (Removal of Danger to Safety) Ordinance, 1965 (XII of 1965), section 4 of the Telegraph Act, 1885 (XIII of 1885), and in suppression of the Aircraft Rules, 1937 and the Airport Obstruction Clearance Rules, 1981.


This set of rules elaborately dealt with personnel (pilot, flight engineer, air traffic controller, aircraft maintenance engineer, etc.) licensing, airworthiness requirements, operation of aircraft, rules of the air, air transport services, etc. Much of today’s operational responsibilities and functions of CAAB are defined and formulated in these Rules.

Civil Aviation Authority Ordinance, 1985

The Civil Aviation Authority Ordinance, 1985  in pursuance of the Proclamation of the 24th March 1982, and in the exercise of all powers enabling him on that behalf, the President is pleased to make and promulgate the Ordinance


Language Proficiency

English for Aviation Language-Training, Assessment, Test and Certification


Last Updated on 23 July 2018